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Breeding Perfection


Savannah was born 5/4/2022

She is Lilac Cream in color and carries the Fluffy Gene

She is small and compact 

Very Petite


Savannah, aka, Nosey Rosey, our very first frenchie- the queen bee ( and she knows it) 

Savannah came to us at the perfect time and she is responsible for our dream of starting our very own breeding program. She is perfect in every way and a perfect example of what a frenchie should be!


Savannah won't be bred for a few more months but we can't wait for when she's ready! 

We know without a doubt that she will have beautiful babies!



Stella was born 07/10/2022

She is a lilac.

She has two copies of blue (dd) and two copies of cocoa (coco), she also carries mask, cream and tan points. No pied. No brindle.

We call Stella our rowdy girl! She is full of spunk and personality. She plays hard and loves harder. She is fearless and is always looking for someone to play with! Her future pups are destined to be great if they get half of her personality! 





Ruby was born 10/27/2022

She is a Lilac Merle

She carries dd, coco, one copy of brindle.

No pied, no cream, no mask.

Ruby is THE baby and she knows it!

She has a sweet personality and thinks she is a lot bigger than she actually is. She's sweet and salty and fearless... as long as mom is around! She will bring so much diversity to our breeding program. 


born               , 2023

Rosie is tiny but fierce!  She thinks she is much bigger than what she actually is! She is a pied pup and has the sweetest most perfect bulldog  face. 



Lacey is the newest addition to our frenchie family!  She is the sweetest baby and has rounded out our girls nicely.  Lacey is a black brindle puppy! Lacey was born        , 2023. 

Rose Hill Farm Frenchies

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